School is Open
School is Open
Springs Valley
Community Schools
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NEW Drop Off and Pickup Procedures!

7-16-2024 Notice to Families:
We are pleased to inform parents and guardians that both Springs Valley Jr-Sr High School and Springs Valley Elementary School will be implementing the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for meals served on the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program for the 2024-2025 school year.  Click here for details.

8-13-2024 Click here to view the 25-29 Bus Replacement Plan
8-13-2024 Click here to view the 2025 Capital Projects Plan
8-13-2024 Click here to view the Form 3 Online Notice to Taxpayers

  • Notification Settings

ParentSquare Notification Settings

Notification Settings

ParentSquare allows users to customize their notifications based on notification type and select their preferred delivery method for each school. Notification types include:

  • Emergency Alerts & Notices include any urgent alerts and attendance notices (cannot be disabled).
  • School Alerts include any Smart Alerts and other student notices.
  • General Announcements & Messages include any posts, direct messages and reminders.

For General Announcements, you can also select if you would like to receive instant or digest email,  text and app notifications. If the digest is chosen, then you’ll receive an email and/or text and/or an app notification every day in the evening with all posts from that day.

Update your Notification Preferences (Web Portal)

1. On your home page select the down arrow next to your name and click on 'My Account'.

notification settings 1

2. Select "Customize your settings" under Notification Settings.

Notification 2

3. Select your preferred Notification Settings for Alerts and General Announcements. Once you've made selections, future messaging will send based on your preferences.

not 3

Update your Notification Preferences (Mobile Apps)

1. From your home screen click the triple bar in the top left corner

2. Click on "Account" and then "Preferences".

notification 4  Notification 5

3. Click on "Notification Settings" 

4. Select how you would like to be notified.

Notification 6      

Notification 7

Notification 8  

Notification 9

    • Administrative Office

      Springs Valley Community Schools
      498 S. Larry Bird Blvd.
      French Lick, IN 47432

      Dr. Trevor Apple, Superintendent
      Phone: 812-936-9984
      Fax: 812-936-9392

      Jr./Sr. High School

      Springs Valley Jr.-Sr. HS
      326 S. Larry Bird Blvd.
      French Lick, IN 47432

      Mr. Troy Pritchett, Principal
      Phone: 812-936-9984
      Fax: 812-936-9266
    • Elementary

      Springs Valley Elementary
      356 S. Larry Bird Blvd.
      French Lick, IN 47432

      Mrs. Erin Carnes, Principal
      Phone: 812-936-9984
      Fax: 812-936-9788

      Our Mission

      • INSPIRE creative learning
      • PREPARE accountable & responsible citizens
      • ACHIEVE more by reaching higher
      • SUCCEED in building a stronger community

      Connect With Us

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