Anti-discrimination and Anti-harassment

Springs Valley Community School Corporation (the "School") does not discriminate on the basis of a protected class including but not limited to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, sexual orientation, or disablility in the programs or activities which it operates or the employment therein or admission thereto.  The school strictly adheres to all non-discrimination and anti-harassment laws and does not tolerate acts of harassment.  The School has designated several staff members as coordinators/compliance officers of non-discrimination and anti-harassment.  See Policy 5517 for full explanation of the policy.  The identity and contact information for these staff members are listed below:

Section 504 Coordinator/Compliance Officer
Name:  Stacy Denbo
Job Title:  Guidance Counselor
Address:  326 S. Larry Bird Blvd.
E-mail Address:  Email Stacy Denbo
Phone Number:  812-936-9984

Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer
Name:  Trevor Apple
Job Title:  Superintendent
Address:  498 S. Larry Bird Blvd.
E-mail Address:  Email Trevor Apple
PHone Number:  812-936-4474

Title VI Coordinator/Compliance Officer
Name:  Trevor Apple
Job Title:  Superintendent
Address:  498 S. Larry Bird Blvd.
E-mail Address:  Email Trevor Apple
PHone Number:  812-936-4474

Anti-Harassment Coordinator/Compliance Officer
Name:  Trevor Apple
Job Title:  Superintendent
Address:  498 S. Larry Bird Blvd.
E-mail Address:  Email Trevor Apple
PHone Number:  812-936-4474